Create Ease, Health and Connection

on Monday, July 27, 2009

Cellular Expansion and Healing (CE) is energy medicine that supports healing and change at the building block level of illness, the cells. Through affecting held patterns of consciousness within the energy system itself, CE supports the body's true nature, the call for balance. Through the exploration of what is needed for the body, mind and spirit to return to balance, lasting change and healing occurs.

When a client chooses to receive CE to support life they are in effect choosing to open to their deepest nature, their inner abundant connection to source. They may initially be drawn to CE for a physical ailment, such as cancer or the desire to create life differently. Each time a person chooses to engage with the energy of CE, whether in a session with a trained practitioner, in their own home through our energy programs, or as a practitioner accessing the energy for everyday life, they are saying to the Universe, I choose to create life in the highest way possible in this moment.

The body, as a repository for all life experiences, stores the consciousness associated with the life experiences in the cells. These conscious and unconscious memories and impressions shape how we view the world. We may, for instance, desire to create a relationship. We may think about creating a relationship. We may focus on the longing for relationship. We may feel excited about the prospect of having the relationship in our lives. And yet, the relationship does not come to fruition. Why?

Beneath the surface of the whys and longings are the beliefs and impressions associated with having a relationship. The unconscious orientation of the mind as an expression of our consciousness is very powerful. Learning about these beliefs often begins the process of opening to forward movement to create what is desired.

What has been necessary for the change to occur has been present all along. Held beneath the surface, much like a bud encased in ice, it has been waiting to be released so it could unfold. CE provides the stimulus and loving container for this unfolding to occur naturally, easily and with support.

Each time a practitioner offers a session to another person or living being, they are bathing their cells in this same energy. They too are having the opportunity to be held in inclusive respectful energy. The results are life changing. As one practitioner put it:

"My life has changed so dramatically since studying CE. In the beginning I was aware of being my personality and witnessing my Soul as something separate from me. Within the first weekend, my personality stepped back and welcomed in my Soul. By the end of that class, I realized I was my Soul; saw the world from my Soul, loved from my Soul. Since then life has become Exciting! I am creating from ease, learning to fall back and wait for the natural order of the Universe, and above all, remembering who I am."
The next Cellular Expansion and Healing Practitioner training course begins this September. If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of Vanati Energy Healing School for you and your practice, please visit: Vanati Cellular Healing Course

Excerpts from Cellular Expansion and Healing: Creating Ease, Health and Connection by Deb Schnitta

Beautiful Rain

on Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Can't see the video? Click Here to View it on YouTube

"Of course the personality is never alone, in the true sense of the word. It is always tethered to the beauty and support of the Soul. But much like having a rain jacket and leaving it in the car on a stormy day, a Soul not accessed is just not as effective. Without the invitation from the personality to engage, the Soul waits. It holds a beautiful place of love for its partner, the personality. It offers it support as openings allow. It whispers in times of silence or extends warmth as the heart opens to its presence."

From The Personality and Service: Extending our Gifts Out Into the World by Deb Schnitta

Thanks for sending us this video Renny!

A Cancer Epidemic and A Look at Preventive Care

on Friday, July 17, 2009

Is Cancer Preventable?

Below is a very enlightening article by David Servan-Schreiber regarding the rising cancer rates in Western life-style societies and a look at how we got here. Amidst all of the shocking facts and statistics there is a positive message here - that there is so much we can be doing to decrease our risks of cancer, strengthen our bodies and live to our fullest potential.

A Cancer Epidemic Started in 1940
"Cancer rates have been climbing steadily since 1940. This is not due simply to the increase use of screening tests or the aging of our population: cancer has been rising in children and adolescents at a rate of 1% per year in the past 25 years. And cancers that have no screening test (lymphomas, pancreatic and testicular cancers for example) have been increasing as fast or faster than those that do (breast, colon, prostate).

The most common cancers in the west are rare in some other countries. In certain regions of rural China in the 1980s, for example, WHO researchers using the same screening tests we use in the west were not able to find any cases of breast cancers. They were told by local physicians "it's a disease of rich women! You’ll find it in Hong Kong, but not here."

When Chinese women immigrate to the US, their risk of breast cancer becomes that of American women within one or two generations. The same is true for Japanese men and prostate cancer. Asians are not protected by their genes, but by their life-style.

A Watershed in 1940: Five causes of a cancer epidemic
Five major aspects of our life-style have changed since 1940 and contribute to the progression of cancer:

1. The massive increase of sugar consumption
We went from 12 lbs of refined sugar per person per year in the 1800s to 154 lbs per person per year in 2000.

Cancer cells feed primarily on sugar. To detect where a tumor may be present in the body, we use PET scans that simply measure where radioactive sugar accumulates.

2. The change in the way we feed animals that feed us
Animals used to feed on grass and seeds rich in omega-3 fatty acids that slow the growth of cancer. Hence, meat, milk, cheese, butter, and eggs were all rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Now that animals are fed in feed-lots with corn and soy, omega-3s have practically disappeared from our common foods. Eggs my grandmother used to feed me on the farm I was raised on were a genuine "health food", filled with the omega-3 DHA necessary for the growth of a child's brain. Today’s supermarket eggs have practically no DHA and it has been replaced with the pro-inflammatory omega-6 arachidonic acid (AA).

A diet rich in omega-6 fatty acids is associated with a markedly increased risk of breast cancer. As omega-6s stimulate inflammation in the body, they are likely to feed the growth of many other types of cancer too.

Trans-fats, introduced widely in the 1960’s, are now present in almost all industrial foods (pizza, cookies, French fries etc.). They are thought to increase the risk of breast cancer by a factor of 2. A Dutch government report of 2007 estimates that that the number of deaths due to trans-fats in that country exceeds that due to motor vehicle accidents.

3. The introduction of chemicals in all aspects of life
DDT was invented just before WWII. Many common herbicides and pesticides mimic the effects of estrogen hormones in the body. They can stimulate the growth of an existing tumor. In 2005 the CDC found 149 toxic chemicals in the blood and urine of American of all ages that were tested. In 2003 the University of Seattle tested pre-schoolers who eat conventional (non-organic) foods. The level of pesticide residue in their urine was high. For some of them, it exceeded by a factor of 4 the limit recommended by the Environment Protection Agency. Children eating organic diets (70% organic or better) had practically none.

4. The massive reduction in our physical activity
Do you know anyone whose grand-parents did not walk to school? How many children do you know today who walk more than 10 minutes to go to school? Something powerful has happened to our relation to physical activity. We are the most sedentary humans that ever existed.

The risk of a relapse from breast cancer is 50% less in women who walk 30 minutes six times a week. Physical activity is a highly effective protector from cancer that we have eliminated from our lives.

5. The disorganization of our social support networks
We Americans now move on average every 5 years. This means that we change neighbors, often friends, and get further and further away from our aunts and uncles, our parents, and our siblings.
In times of major stress, the most effective protection from adverse psychological and physical effects on our body comes from the strength of our intimate relationships. How strong are they today when we no longer live near each other? Twenty-five percent of us say that we have no one in whom we can confide.

One Australian study found that women with a major stressor in their life and no intimate support had 9.5 times more chances of developing breast cancer.

The encouraging part in this sad picture of an epidemic is that each one of us can start to reverse these societal changes in our own life. We can decide to nourish balance, to stimulate health, in us and around us. We can opt for a new way of life. And in doing so, we simultaneously help prevent cancer if we are cancer free, and strengthen our bodies if we already have it."


Questions to Consider in Exploring Healing

on Wednesday, July 15, 2009

It is rejuvenating for your mind, body and Soul to take time out to consider your life as it exists right now. This can help to understand your life's larger vision and support learning from your current perspective.

The following questions are not intended to be used as a barometer or gauge, but rather as a consciousness raising exercise to support your evolution.

  1. What kind of time do I have for myself each day?

  2. What activities do I do that are just for pleasure?

  3. What is the most relaxing time of day? How do I spend it?

  4. If I had all the time I needed, what three things would I like to see more of in my life?

  5. Being alone is what to me?

As you become more aware of being in a body with needs and desires, it will become even more important to continue the process of connecting with your physical body more fully.

From the Vanati Healing Energy Program meditation Cellular Expansion and Healing

Learn more about Cellular Expansion and Healing >>>

Sand Fantasy - Meditative Art

on Monday, July 13, 2009

We love this video from - another wonderful way to meditate.

Can't see the video? Click Here to View it on YouTube

Thanks Judy!

Spiritual Evolution: A Doorway to Enlightenment

on Friday, July 10, 2009

"Allowing the presence of the Universe to guide your life takes courage. It is great wisdom that recognizes that there is more than what the mind could create and even greater wisdom to invite that in." ~ Mikala
Spiritual Evolution is possible when the personality is open to living life as a Soul. This suppleness of the personality signifies that as a personality, you are willing to move forward consciously as your Soul, learning about life from this perspective.

From Spiritual Evolution: A Doorway to Enlightenment by Deb Schnitta

If you are interested in reading more about evolving to an integrated perspective, we invite you to read more on our website -

Transforming the Personality

on Wednesday, July 8, 2009

"A single breath is all it takes to shift your perception. Life seen through the eyes of the personality is often colored by old experiences. Seen through the eyes of the Soul, it is a thing of wonder.
" - Mikala

The personality has a great many impressions and beliefs, most that have been created by an earlier time in our lives and reflects a distortion of what is actually true.

What life events have you experienced that may be keeping YOU from living at your full potential and illuminating your essence?

From Transforming the Personality: Illuminating Your Essence by Deb Schnitta

Living through Changing Times as a Mechanism of Creation

on Monday, July 6, 2009

"All of life is a laboratory to explore the presence of spirit"

As the world seems to spin in ways that the mind tries to fathom, it can be hard for a personality that desires for things to be the same. Old institutions that seemed to be there forever now are gone, leaving questions in many minds.

But more importantly, these changes that may not even be in your personal daily sphere, impact the larger fabric of humanity. Adding a wave of fear, of uncertainty and even survival in their wake, change can elicit unconscious reactions of constriction. Different from action steps of changing your spending habits, or modifying plans, these places of constriction aid in keeping the personality entrenched in the past.

So what’s a person to do, amidst a sea of change that is brought about by the actions of others?

Since all of life is a laboratory to explore the presence of spirit, then these times are indeed an accelerated opportunity. Flexibility of mind and emotions are key to not feeling distraught. And remembering that if you do feel shaken, that having an emotional response is not wrong. It does not mean you are not spiritual enough, it simply means you had an emotional response.

What you do next, in the moments that follow this initial response dictate whether you will unconsciously join the sea of fear and reactivity or whether you will take a breath and find expansion. Yes, even in the midst of turmoil there is expansion.

Change happens from the inside out. As spiritual beings we know this place of orientation. But when change seems to happen from outside of us, it can rock our foundation. Righting ourselves with ease is the expression of our spiritual training.

Do we remain neutral while others share their own stories of fear? Or do we join them, reaching into our own recesses of unexpressed fear? Where do we choose to resonate?

It is when we get larger than our individual selves, to the constructs of our Souls, that we see the change around us as a series of flows. And as a series of flows life is nothing more than patterns of movement and possibilities. Things that have been out of balance simply right. Areas of greed bring down entire financial structures and we, as Souls, see this as life coming back to balance.

Not from a place of sugar coating the loss of a 401K or a job, but from true understanding that the Universal flows are larger than our personal flows. They intersect, and as we choose clarity, integrity and balance, we are drawn to what is next, what serves our highest purpose and learning.

Maybe in the process we learn about our own patterns of unconsciousness, where we, for instance have been taking care of others financially, or not attending to our own needs. Where does this one strand of consciousness flow? Does it exist simply in one area of our life, or is it, like the recent financial implosions so interrelated that a forensic expert couldn’t identify all the connections?

Each time we pause in a moment of reaction and choose expansion, we disconnect from the unconscious habits of constriction. We exercise our ability to choose ease, until this now becomes the new normal. What do you want your new normal to be? And once you hear its voice, what steps are needed, the actions of your daily life, to mirror this new normal with the choices you make?

Each time you exercise your capacity to create, you add this proactive energy to the larger fabric of humanity. It can be easy to forget the impact you have, as an evolving spiritual being, upon the lives of those you may never meet. To the mind, it may simply look like one simple choice of expansion in a sea of change.

To enhance your capacity to open and create we suggest Receiving the Energy of Connection.


on Thursday, July 2, 2009

"Within each breath is the potential for everything. Consciousness, intention and the expression of choice determines the birth of that potential."