on Thursday, March 17, 2011

Creating Abundance- Opening with Ease to the Soul

Welcome! We're excited to have this opportunity to create abundance and move past limitations. We're also really excited about the possibilities as we each move more fully into alignment with our Soul, as a co-creative partner.

Soul connection has stages that are recognizable. They are also influenced directly by things the personality, aka partner for the Soul, do.

The deeper the Soul Connection, the deeper the access to the ease and abundance of the Universal flows.

And the deeper the Soul Connection, the greater the ease for the personality, not just with creating abundance, but in all areas of life.

If you are joining us from the free email course, Support for Creating Abundance and have a question about a current lesson, feel free to post it here.

Deb and Mikala will answer you as quickly as possible.

If you are new here, look through previous answers. It often helps to see how other people are thinking, and in this way gives you the benefit of being in a live class with Deb and Mikala, all from the comfort of your own spot in the world!

And if you don't already have the free mp3 meditation download, Connecting with Your Soul: Opening to Abundance that is the cornerstone for this process, then join us here.

In addition to the 30 minute Energy Healing Program, you will receive 4 weeks of teachings and tips, all designed to help you open more fully to who you are..now.


Sara Webb Hiris, Ed.M. said...

thank you for this blog!

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