Cellular Expansion and Healing (CE) is energy medicine that supports healing and change at the building block level of illness, the cells. Through affecting held patterns of consciousness within the energy system itself, CE supports the body's true nature, the call for balance. Through the exploration of what is needed for the body, mind and spirit to return to balance, lasting change and healing occurs.
When a client chooses to receive CE to support life they are in effect choosing to open to their deepest nature, their inner abundant connection to source. They may initially be drawn to CE for a physical ailment, such as cancer or the desire to create life differently. Each time a person chooses to engage with the energy of CE, whether in a session with a trained practitioner, in their own home through our energy programs, or as a practitioner accessing the energy for everyday life, they are saying to the Universe, I choose to create life in the highest way possible in this moment.
The body, as a repository for all life experiences, stores the consciousness associated with the life experiences in the cells. These conscious and unconscious memories and impressions shape how we view the world. We may, for instance, desire to create a relationship. We may think about creating a relationship. We may focus on the longing for relationship. We may feel excited about the prospect of having the relationship in our lives. And yet, the relationship does not come to fruition. Why?
Beneath the surface of the whys and longings are the beliefs and impressions associated with having a relationship. The unconscious orientation of the mind as an expression of our consciousness is very powerful. Learning about these beliefs often begins the process of opening to forward movement to create what is desired.
What has been necessary for the change to occur has been present all along. Held beneath the surface, much like a bud encased in ice, it has been waiting to be released so it could unfold. CE provides the stimulus and loving container for this unfolding to occur naturally, easily and with support.
Each time a practitioner offers a session to another person or living being, they are bathing their cells in this same energy. They too are having the opportunity to be held in inclusive respectful energy. The results are life changing. As one practitioner put it:
"My life has changed so dramatically since studying CE. In the beginning I was aware of being my personality and witnessing my Soul as something separate from me. Within the first weekend, my personality stepped back and welcomed in my Soul. By the end of that class, I realized I was my Soul; saw the world from my Soul, loved from my Soul. Since then life has become Exciting! I am creating from ease, learning to fall back and wait for the natural order of the Universe, and above all, remembering who I am."The next Cellular Expansion and Healing Practitioner training course begins this September. If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of Vanati Energy Healing School for you and your practice, please visit: Vanati Cellular Healing Course
Excerpts from Cellular Expansion and Healing: Creating Ease, Health and Connection by Deb Schnitta
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