Opening the Doorway to Enlightenment

on Friday, August 28, 2009

"Every opportunity in your daily life is one of expansion. How much love can you hold? How much compassion can you cultivate? How much joy can you emanate?"
To be here consciously as your Soul is part of the path of enlightenment and a goal of the Soul as it returns for incarnation. To forge this conscious as a way of living requires openness of the personality as well as understanding of what this relationship means and what is possible. Seeing life through the eyes of the Soul is very profound. Living from here is an ever-deepening process that builds a life of joy, compassion, Soul love and allows the evolution of the Soul itself.

Excerpt from
Spiritual Evolution: A Doorway to Enlightenment >>>

On the Vanati website their is an abundance of material to open doors and provide inspiration as you travel your path to fulfillment.

We invite you to take advantage of our many free offers including Evolution - Our Monthly Ezine for Healing and Change.

For daily energetic support to live to your fullest potential, we recommend our Intention Program, to have motivating affirmations sent your inbox each morning.

Being Peace

on Monday, August 24, 2009

Ready to join us for the G20 Peace Meditation? This article offers useful tips on how to be in peace, no matter what is transpiring around you...

When we come from our largest self, we are able to align with peace. As we learn to embrace being our largest self, we become peace. From here we generate peace and offer it out into the world. This is part of the path of enlightenment: to live a life of joy and expansion here now.

Embracing our largest self involves opening as a mind to the possibility that we are more than our minds. It also involves aligning with Soul qualities such as peace, love, compassion and generosity.
.. Continue Reading on >>>

G20 Meditation for Peace and Abundance

on Friday, August 21, 2009

Pittsburgh G20 Summit

Vanati World Peace and Abundance Meditation

Anywhere in the World - Energy Anchored in Pittsburgh

Imagine a Summit:

Where the highest outcome and benefit for all is the overarching consciousness from where all decisions are made
Where world leaders hear one another
Where cultural differences are respected
Where peaceful exchanges of divergent views occurs
Where each leader finds the courage to connect within themselves to their deepest power and capacity and act from here

Imagine a world lived from here.

Vanati will be hosting a free distance meditation on Thursday September 24, 2009 and Friday September 25, 2009 to support the highest possible outcome of peace and abundance when our world leaders meet in Pittsburgh.

There are many ways to participate:

Join the Facebook Event >>>

Send Your Intention for the Meditation >>>

Learn More About the Meditation on the Vanati Website >>>

Read About the Upcoming G20 Summit in Pittsburgh >>>

What is Unlimited Potential?

on Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Unlimited potential is the complete expression of your Soul’s Light. Part of how your Soul expresses its light is through its life work, or Soul Purpose. Each incarnation allows the Soul the opportunity to explore the fullness of its light, and ways in which it can offer that light out into the world.

Because the Soul works in partnership with the personality, how open and supple the personality is determines how much of the Soul’s light is able to be offered and expressed. For instance, a personality who believes it must do things alone, whether related to issues of trust, gaining confidence/ ego development in being able to do things alone, a history of betrayal etc, isolates itself from support. Since the basic design of the Soul and personality relationship is partnership, the personality moving through the consciousness that creates separation in its life will enhance the relationship with its Soul and in turn what else is possible for the expression of Soul light.

Unlimited potential is, as the word unlimited implies, never ending. As the Soul’s capacity to hold more light is enhanced, the potential of its capacity is enhanced as well. What this means is that as the Soul works more fluidly in partnership with the personality, more of its light can be offered to the world through its life work. As more of the Soul’s light moves out into the world, there is greater capacity for the Soul to hold more light. And in turn, as the Soul deepens its capacity to hold more of its light, then the Soul itself transforms. Since part of why the Soul incarnates is to offer its light to the world in service, the Soul itself is committed to the exploration of its unlimited potential.

Complete expression of the Soul’s light most often occurs over many lifetimes. However, as the consciousness of humanity is evolving, new structures, such as Cellular Expansion and Healing™, that are designed to enhance the capacity for the personality to be fully supported in its exploration of partnership with the Soul are possible. From here the exploration of unlimited potential and the embodiment of the Soul’s light are exponential.

Complete expression of the Soul’s light occurs when the personality partner aligns consciously with the Soul’s full capacity. Living as a Soul infused personality is one stage of that journey.

To discover more about your Soul purpose and unlimited potential, we invite you to visit the articles archives on the Vanati website - Healing Article Archives

Living as Your Soul

on Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Awakening to Your Potential

To live consciously as the Soul is part of the path of enlightenment. It is the expression of the Soul's light into everyday life, relationships, creations, service, etc. that the Soul has come here to experience and contribute.

Living as your Soul creates the opportunity for the mind and personality to step away from what no longer works. This may be issues of lack that manifest in not enough of something - time, money, love etc - or it may be issues of attachment such as recreating old patterns that serve only to reinforce the separation of the personality from its larger self.

Having thoughts such as, ‘I can't find a good relationship because there is something wrong with me' is one example of this. Rather than noticing the aliveness within that is beautiful and filled with the potential of creation, the mind has stepped forward with old beliefs and impressions and determined that these old beliefs are what is real, this is what is possible.

When connection with the Soul becomes easy for the personality, then the personality itself begins to look for this connection; it begins to expect that there is a higher way to view a given situation and a different way to approach the act of creating what is desired. It may be for the personality that initially the act of connecting with the Soul is simply the presence of a deep seated peace....Click Here to Read the Full Article >>>

By Deb Schnitta >>>

View Archives of Energy Healing Articles on >>>


on Tuesday, August 4, 2009

"Opening takes time, much like the creation of grains of sand. Opening can also be explosive and rich, filled with ease and the excitement of discovery. The wisdom of your Soul guides the choice of this rate of opening moment by moment."


From Opening the Heart: Moving Into Higher Energies by Deb Schnitta